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  • haroonsaba

Final: Ad Campaign

VR Concept

I’m thinking outside of the box and to be honest, I do not know if the concept I came up with is achievable or not, but here it goes:

Since VR is growing and becoming popular at a high rate, it’s only a matter of time before advertisements become involved and interactive within VR systems, if they have not done so already. For example, I can see advertisements being included in the middle of playing games or watching videos, etc. The ad would pop up for a few seconds, ask the user if they wish to purchase, and after the purchase or decline, the original activity would resume.

My concept is to have Starbucks create a VR app that allows customers to customize and purchase their drinks within VR, and set a time and location of when to pick up the order. Just like in real life, the customer would be able to purchase anything in their “chosen” store such as drinks, food items and gifts. Essentially, there would be live updates as to what is available or not at that particular store. The concept would operate the same way it does in the Starbucks mobile app, but within VR - the customer would be at Starbucks, able to walk around their local store and be involved in a live, over the counter transaction with a virtual Starbucks employee. In this case, if one of my campaign advertisements for Starbucks played in the VR app, such as the poster or video, there would be a link at the bottom asking the user if they wish to purchase. If yes, the Starbucks VR app would temporarily show up and allow the customer to purchase the product advertised (i.e. iced matcha green tea latte) or explore for more options. After the completed transaction, the user can return to the previous app they were in and go pick up their order at their own convenience.  

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